Linkedin 2023 platform updates

Linkedin 2023 platform updates

Do you want to bring your A-game while promoting or advertising in LinkedIn? Make sure you know what all the recent updates that you should know. As the year 2022 came to an end a month ago. All the major ad platforms are updating to better their performances. Linkedin has gone an extra mile in terms of bettering things for their users. Let’s take a look at the prime LinkedIn updates.


Job Titles

Linkedin has announced new list of new jobs titles. Users can choose from a list of standardized titles, especially if there is someone in the accessibility industry. For example accessibility designer or engineer. The platform makes it easier for employers to identify such professionals while these specialists can find positions that actually align with their qualifications.

Job Search Updates

In recent years, the process of searching for jobs has changed drastically. Job seekers are curious to pursue new opportunities, even if they are not hunting for employment actively. As per LinkedIn, it’s users are investigating career alternatives that better align with their interests and values, such as work-life balance, skills upgrade, or professional advancement. Therefore, in light of this activity, the platform is looking to provide a tailored collection of jobs to casual job hunters who can find them without completing a search order. Although the company hopes for rapid expansion, it is pioneering tailored job collections with a small number of organizations in the United States.

Video accessibility enhancement

You will get automatic captions for the videos uploaded to linkedIn in English. You can either use it as it is, edit the suggested captions. Additionally, Linkedin will offer a high-contrast mode to improve accessibility for those who are visually impaired.

Alt Text functionality in ‘Campign Manager’

Advertisers can now include Alt text or alternative descriptions for images within the campaign Manager. Visually impaired or visually disabled users can now interpret the visuals presented easily. Though this is not one of the LinkedIn updates for everyone, it is a good addition.

Scheduling posts

This is a long-awaited feature in LinkedIn, which most of the other ad platforms are offering for a while. Now you will see a schedule symbol next to the post icon when created a post. You can choose your preferred date and time to share the content by clicking on the schedule symbol. This gives you complete control over the content you create and publish in the platform. 

B2B product sales 

Users can discover products that they need by connecting with community experts to know more about the product. Also the purchase can be completed in the LinkedIn product pages. More than 90,000 B2B items are easily discoverable with the help of the search function. To create more individualized experiences, LinkedIn intends to add new category filters while enhancing the relevancy of the product pages. Now LinkedIn helps you to take better decisions for you as an individual of for your company. You can do by evaluating the product alternatives, gathering client feedback and speaking to the sales reps. 

Content Analytics

Linkedin brings in vital updates to the creator analytics board. You can include information about your audience and content that performs best. You should enable the creator mode to access these updates. This helps you to understand the development of your followers and learn more about your audience’s demographics. 

These LinkedIn updates demonstrate the platform’s commitment to continuously evolving and providing value to its users. You can check out our blogs for more updates.